Sunday, March 14, 2021

 This is a message I got from an old friend and buyu , martial friend, one in whom you can trust, because you have held each other's life and safety in you hands. One of the greatest bonds one can form. When you train with someone for awhile and train with intent, but walk off the mat under your own power, you form a bond with that person and probably know them better than their own family. Gary Gobel is one of the handful of people in this world I genuinely admire. He is a retired USAF officer and a skilled martial artist who was my student back in the 70s.

"Clarity. They did not just steal an election, they stole a record breaking landslide election from the American people for a highly effective and popular president. Facts: The constitution requires, in clear language, any changes to the election laws of a state must be done by the state legislature. No other. The Supreme Court failed to discharge its duty and hear a suit by 19 states against 6 states for this very unconstitutional conduct. The evidence was not allowed to be presented in court. Period. The honorable Senator Cruz stood in protest to the election in the joint session of congress and recommended to the congress the formation of a congressional committee to review the evidence and that further public and open investigations of the evidence be conducted prior to the certification of the election, per the requirements of the constitution. This was not done and after a debate no more conclusive than the arguments on social media, the vote was erroneously certified. Period. The imposter Joe Biden, has quickly removed sound programs/policies by executive order, without involvement or discussion with congress, basically, anything Trump without regard to the effect on our nation’s economy, sovereignty or the good of the people. Period. The people are blinded as there is no trusted source of news information, just propagandists masquerading as news media. Those who support President Trump based on his accomplishments and sound policies are labeled Trump Cultists while social media, under liberal socialist management, unfairly and unconstitutionally violates the right of freedom of speech with the blatant muting of conservatives over the vague and unequally applied community standards. Period. Congress, dripping with hypocrisy, did nothing during the season of vandalism and violence in 2019, but calls the trespass at the capital a violation of democracy as clearly it scared them and their own skins were at last on the line…..or so they cowardly claim. For this reason, our capital is festooned with troops and fences……a travesty of democracy. Period. Now that the case has been presented and represented and reviewed and discussed ad nauseum on social media and in the corrupted news, it is time to accept that which you fear. This is a crime that can not be allowed and there will never be another fair election if this voter fraud evidence is not openly reviewed by courts or congress and then acted on under our laws. I fear the corruption is too great and we are on the verge of disunion. If there is no rule of law, there is no government, just a two-party scam to maintain power and enslave the American people as tax slaves. That’s it. G. Gobel."

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...