Saturday, March 6, 2021

When Teachers are so badly educated themselves, this happens.

Recently a school showed just how clueless the "teachers" educated in today's liberal bent universities can be. In an even more than usually misguided assignment on "Chivalry" the assignment for the girls was to dress and act in a manner pleasing to the males and to cook them a meal. Seriously? Are today's teachers that clueless about the history of chivalry? Yes, they are. To the modern teacher, anything that is about the male must be toxic and socially abusive. 

Is it any wonder that so many boys are dysphoric about their gender, unsettled about their self worth and guilt ridden just for being who and what they are? The public education system, besides being completely ineffective in educating our kids, is actively undermining and actually abusing an entire group comprising half the student population. It is not, repeat not a crime to be a boy. Boys are intrinsically good and indeed are hard wired to be protectors. Yes, protectors, not abusers , not criminals. Boys are, in a functional society, taught from a young age to be strong, competitive and to protect the weaker sex (yes ladies, men are biologically stronger pound for pound, for you libs, that is SCIENCE, and even more true than climate change) and the elderly. The elders teach the young men to be wise and to channel their energy to self improvement. What a difference from what our modern schools teach.

Compare our population of male students to that of the boys in the Shaolin Monastery. The young monks are, as a group., happy and have a feeling of self worth, along with a healthy dose of humility and sense of duty. When the teachers are taught to be assholes, the students, especially the boys, will be assholes. It is just that simple. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...