Wednesday, March 24, 2021

 Today's politics and other assorted trash. 

Nancy Pelosi tried to unseat an elected Republican, despite her vigorous attacks on republicans for doing the same thing, or at least that is what she accused them of. the difference here, to be fair, is that the Republicans were claiming election fraud, while Pelosi just didn't approve of the Republican in question. Being a leftist loon, she firmly believes and that others should also believe, that if a liberal wants something, is it right and just. Even if it is not right or just, and even if she just fought tooth and nail to prevent the Republican from expressing their belief or acting on that belief. This is the core belief of the liberal, that is, entitlement. 

For the liberal, entitlement is everything, and anything they want it to be. The law applies differently to the Left vs the Right, with the Right, in the much (self)esteemed opinion of the Left, always wrong. Unless of course if they agree with the belief the Right expressed. Truth, reality and facts are all relatively unimportant to the liberal, as the only reality to them is THE NARRATIVE. This rather amorphous set of ideals, political statements and other odds and ends that make up their Gospel is, truth be told, based solely on what the billionaire master wants them to believe, say and act upon. It is good to be King, right?

lets look at a few issues. It is wrong to discriminate, unless that discrimination is against a conservative. Maxine Waters, a black congresswoman, ranted against the republicans and told her followers to attack them on the street, attack their families in public restaurants and parks and "make them know they are not welcome anywhere". She was not censured or even reprimanded for this. When Trump told demonstrators to Peacefully and Lawfully march on the Capitol, he was calling for violence, because he was a conservative, and if he says something, the left has every right to take legal action against him. Not for Waters calls literally for violence, but actually calling for peaceful and lawful civil protests, Trump was impeached. 

The fact that the media did nothing about this, and ignored it speaks volumes to the control the billionaire puppet masters hold over the media and the left as a whole. Schiff lied, Pelosi lied, Schumer lied, McCabe lied, Hillary lied, Nadler lied, Swallwell lied, Lynch lied, Wet Willie lied with a cigar in his mouth and all of the "squad" lied almost daily. But Trump was a "liar" and should be removed from office for it, which he didn't do, but they did. So the left impeached him, twice, because "Orange man- Bad!".

So long as we allow this to continue, we slide toward 3rd world shithole status and may join Venezuela as a former vigorous democracy. We need to act and soon.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...