Sunday, January 24, 2021

Biden happily destroying the country

 Day 4 of the Biden administration has seen oer 70,000 lost jobs, the undermining of the effort to stop child trafficking by gutting ICE and the Border Patrol ( in the name of preserving families, knowing full well that the VAST majority of the children at the border were bought for sexual slavery by the Cartels) cutting the pipeline that would help keep us energy independent and ensure jobs that cannot be replaced, impeachment proceedings against Trump, who was already impeached falsely for the very things Biden actually did and bragged about doing, and continued lack of acknowledgement of the rioters in Portland, while condemning conservatives for protesting against a stolen election. If I read this in a book, I would have a difficult time with suspension of disbelief. 

With all that, the country cannot deliver either relief to the people the Democrats have put out of work, support healthcare workers who are being treated like Chinese forced laborers by hospital administrations and nursing home administrations, or stop giving money to foreign countries that hate us. All the while, giving free shit to illegal aliens, denying service to Veterans living on the streets and dying homeless and assaulting the international gains Trump made while returning to the policies that destroyed our international credibility under Obama. It is almost beyond belief. 

The real fear among people loyal to our country is that the globalists will carry out their plans to turn over policy control to the UN, bypass the Constitution by Executive Orders and eliminate protections granted by the Bill of Rights in the name of fighting "domestic terror", a euphemism for conservative opposition to  socialist policies. However, violent riots, murder of police and occupation of public property by BLM and Antifa go unchecked. The media don't even pretend to deliver the news anymore, and ignore newsworthy stories to present "the narrative". It is like the DNC decided 1984 was a good idea. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...