Thursday, January 28, 2021

Democrats send. 3 Trillion dollars to other countries.

 I listened to a speech by a republican representative. He discussed the recent military spending bill that includes funds to be sent to the IMF. Several million dollars go  directly to China,Iran and Syria. Yes, the Democrats are sending money, our tax dollars, to enemies of the USA. I for one, would like an explanation from Congress . It appears our country is literally under attack by our own government. 

We have people dying of hunger in Appalachia, veterans homeless and dying on the streets, covid was brought in from the 3rd world countries and Democrats want to open our borders to the worst infected populations and give illegal aliens the resources that are desperately needed for our own citizens. Obama and Biden have both indicated their intent to put America last. Obama felt we should dismiss the Constitution and allow the UN to make policy decisions for us. Gore forced and connived the NAFTA agreement that cost us over half the jobs in the US over a decade that went overseas. Obama forced shutdown of businesses from oil refineries to lead smelting plants and pharmaceutical producers, all went over seas, taking jobs with them and making America dependent on foreign countries that really don't like us nor do they have our best interests in mind. 

Biden is beholden to China and Xi's Communist Party. His son has received literally millions of dollars from them, and now Biden allowed them access to our power grid, cybernet security and potentially the control of multiple industry networks. Literally, China can shut us down whenever they want. Biden, in a petty attack on Trumps legacy, has destroyed 70,000 US jobs 11,000 the first day of his presidency. There is no way to spin that. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...