Monday, June 24, 2024


"This week, announcing his Vatican trial for the crime of schism, the archbishopVigano published a long statement that connects what he describes as the agenda of Pope Francis with that of the secular ideology of “globalism.” He accuses the Pope of promoting unchecked immigration, LGBTQ+ ideologies and environmentalist agendas, aligning the Church with the World Economic Forum and ignoring the persecution of Catholics in China and elsewhere. "

The present occupant of the Vatican, who replaced Benedict, possibly the most brilliant theologian of our times, is much like the Borgias  They replaced faithful Catholic popes who precded them. Francis refuses to punish Bishjops guilty of gay sexual assault, allows China to corrupt and replace the Church with a "religious" office of the Chinese Communist Party, and he is. like Biden, a traito to his charge of protecting his people and in Francis' case, the Church itself. 

His "election" to the Papacy was orchestrated by Theodore McCarrick, the first Cardinal in modern times to be removed from the priesthood for moral corruption. Theodore McCarrick led a cabal of gay men who entered the priesthood in the 1960s in a move by the Church to expand the priesthood to men who swore to be celibate and who were known to be gay. This cabal of gay priests rose to prominence in the Church and, letd by McCarrick, nearly destroyed the Church. Pope Francis was always supported by this group, even while he was a priest and Bishop in South America. 

The present occupant of the Holy See is not a faithful Catholic, nor should he be running the Church, as he completely ignores tradition and traditional values. John Paul II would be appalled at having gay men dancing in St Peter's, or having a worship service in the Vatican using a statue of a fertility goddess from Mexico as the focus instead of the Holy Mother. The very fact that the mainstream liberal media love him is damnable in of of itself. He has tried to make the Church make the same deadly and corrupt mistakes the Episcoal Church and other Protestant sects have made. He must be stopped. and the mistakes made in the name of Vaticn II must be reexamined and corrected. 

Maybe the Pious X movement was right all along. The rulers of the Church are not faithful to it. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...