Monday, October 24, 2022

Democrats are finally waking up to the dangers of Woke

Everyone wants to protect their children, even the most extreme liberal parents at least have the sense to protect their kids. Democrats are turning on the party's woke and LGBTQ leanings and worried about the dangers of the DNCs focus on Illegal aliens and Woke/LGBTQ agendas in schools. "We as parents are concerned that our party is more worried about immigrants than about our kids. "  CRT has even some black parents cringing. The LGBTQ programs in schools is really troubling to parents. " These kids are being shown things they never would have thought of on their own. Schools don't want to listen to parents, and that has to stop." 

When did schools begin to think that parents didn't and shouldn't care what their kids are being exposed to? It started with Hillary Clinton.

At the time I recalled thinking how much it reminded me of the educational propaganda of the Nazis in 1930s Germany. Of course, the enlightened liberals ate it up. We're paying for it now. Our educational performance compared with other industrialized countries has fallen consistently since then. It was about this time the Democrats encouraged their followers to emote, not think. Mainstream media downplayed the problems and the fact that our kids were not being educated, despite college deans complaints about widespread illiteracy among High School grads. The response to this was the rise of "literacy and good grammar is racist!" Then Math became racist, etc,etc.

This idea of lowering the bar rather than correcting the problems has become a mantra among the left and it's unintended consequences have come back to haunt them, and rightly so. Liberal policies have adversely affected education, industry, the economy and our military readiness. The damage to our country from LGBTQ agendas they swore they didn't have, by the way, is markedly more disturbing and will adversely affect us far into the future. When there are no set moral rules, there is always an opportunity for evil people to exploit that. When did it become a "good idea" (per Barack Obama) for men to use girl's bathrooms? Even with the intense suppression of reporting the rapes, sexual assault, fondling and other amoral behavior by our beloved liberal MSM, as well as liberal parents fearing being cancelled, this occurred often enough that it could no longer be completely ignored. The media never did admit openly that Obama's idea was wrong and dangerous. The girls affected have been shamed into silence, but the scars are there, for the rest of their lives. 

There has long been a disparity in the treatment of conservatives and liberals when crimes or mistakes have been committed. Liberals like Maxine Waters openly admonished her followers to physically assault the families of Republicans, not a peep from Congress, the media on the DNC. Trump was impeached twice and falsely accused of exactly what Biden actually did, and then bragged about. It has gotten that bad. 

Finally. the unintended consequences of giving the left carte blanche have impacted us negatively to such an extent that even the dizziest unicorn sniffer has to sit up and take notice. I hope this realization translates to the ballot box this election. We don't have much time left before we become the Third World police state the left seems to want. There is no coming back from that. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...