Leftist talking head Jon Stewart is one of those morally flexible and ethically relativistic liberals who can have very different and quite contradictory positions on concrete issues depending on the political spin of the situation. For example, when the AMA came on strong about masking, he got behind that. Then we found out that all the masking and mandated closure of business, shutting down society, destroying the economy had a whopping 2% impact on mortality. Whoops!
No liberal dislikes social control, except when it means blacks have to be equally accountable under the law. Society needs to be controlled and violence is bad, except when it happens to a conservative, eg, when House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) was shot by a liberal Democrat at a Congressional baseball game. That's different, see?
Now the AMA wants to force parents to accept sex change surgery on their kids if a school official thinks they are trans. That's science, right? But Math is racist so you can't teach it because some kids, maybe minority kids, might not do as well as "privileged" kids, and rather than doing expensive tutoring and making teachers do their jobs, its far more "woke" to dismiss math altogether. "Climate Science" whatever that is, is however, incontrovertible as it fits the almighty narrative.
Genetics cannot be true because it firmly proves that gender/ sex is genetically determined and cannot be changed like the dresses the gender challenged wear pretending to be women. But Genetics is right when it is used to promote one of the interpretations of Darwins Theory of Evolution. Confused? That means you are using rational analysis and logic, two more enemies of wokeness. You might be a racist/bigot/homophobe/nazi/white supremacist if you use objective and rational thought instead of sniffing unicorn farts and pissing rainbows.