Saturday, May 14, 2022

Why Liberals think its OK for them to riot and commit violence, but 1/6 was so terrible. (to them)

 In the world of a liberal, most of them are snowflakes, and bullies. Look at Antifa, Dwellers in their parent's basement, addicted to porn on their computers and angry that cowboys, truckers, veterans and police/first responders are their superiors in manhood, courage, strength, morality and just being a decent human being. These failures to launch are naturally drawn to the subject morality and fluid reality preached by the Left. They, like all liberals. are angry and desperately searching for something or someone to be angry with, and upon whom to blame their angst. 

Because the liberal view of reality is fluid (sexuality, gender, morals, science) they can carry over their fantasy to the "real" world and everything that is not in synch with their world view is "racist/fascist/misogynous/etc" and can be therefore ignored and disregarded. Math is racist, any science that questions climate change and says the truth (cyclic weather cycles of warming and cooling that has been recorded both climatologicaly and geologically and has far more scientific evidence than AlGorollgy ever had, is fake and evil . 

As to violence, the gamer mentality is trained to commit violence in games, without any danger of violence against them in return. Since life is pretty much a game to them, they carry over this idea that they can commit violence, but any violence against them in return is unnatural and wrong. The average liberal is not accustomed to challenging thought or critical thinking, and one only need look at the public school curriculum promoted by liberal educator to see this. Kids are now punished in school for being patriotic, hunting, supporting police or military, even if their dad is military or police. 

Morally, the liberal hates the stringent rules of Judeo-Christian culture. This includes gender. While "follow the science " applies to the pseudoscience of the liberal talking head, hard science is ignored and suppressed. Math is racist, genetics is wrong, especially that stupid idea that sex is genetically determined. The unintended consequences of ignoring natural law ( men in girls bathrooms- what could possibly go wrong there? and girls being cheated out of scholarships and incurring injuries from men in skirts, triple normal levels of suicide and drug addiction among trans people) are summarily dismissed and students are ostracized and punished for bringing such things up. In the meantime, students can't think, read, write coherently, read script or even red an analog clock. Setting up a budget or balancing a checkbook or fixing a broken window are equally mysterious to them. Way to go teachers!

Antifa, BLM and other such sewer dwelling vermin will attack en masse, but give back to them what they dish and you are committing a hate crime. Even most moderate liberals are aghast at the behavior of such groups, and worried about the support given them by government. If you read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, you will definitely get a sense of deja vu. One can only hope that this election purges these deluded and dangerous people from positions of power. Our country may well be a third world nation if they have their way.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...