Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A Little Taste of Critical Thinking for the Objectivity-challenged Re: Ukraine

I have to agree whole-heartedly with this assessment. We are well on the way to third world nation status if we continue to impose liberal policies

It used to be the Middle East and now it's Ukraine.

A steady diet of Ukraine this and Ukraine that and you are supposed to forget that they impeached our president with innuendo and hearsay in the House for even asking questions about Ukraine.
You are supposed to forget the Hunter Laptop and the questions about the dealings of the Biden Crime Family in Ukraine.
You are supposed to forget about the 25 US funded biolabs and money laundering in Ukraine.
You are supposed to forget about the persecution and killing of ethnic Russians in the separatist enclaves of Eastern Ukraine and the Crimea referendum that pulled it away from Ukraine.
You're supposed to not notice that right after President Trump said he was going to get us out of the endless wars in the Middle East, that the Deep State risked exposure and stole a national election.
Now, back to the John Wayne Patton blowhards and their war mongering. We are a deeply divided nation, economically damaged by a corrupt government, sporting a military/political brain trust leadership that made us a world laughingstock in our Afghanistan withdrawal slapstick and we really need to get involved in another European Conflict......brilliant.
Wall to wall propaganda BS about Ukraine and you don't know a damned thing you can trust. Nothing. You fall for it this time and you really really really deserve it.


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...