Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Children die, the Left Virtue Signals. A Study in Disgusting Politics.

The dysfunctional Left fringe of the Democratic Party has well and truly taken over the party, the moderates have thrown up their hands and given up. The Republicans have likewise turned to the right in response, so the vast majority of the country is essentially without representation and it shows. 
Who would have thought that the party of Thomas Jefferson would elevate the murder of innocent babies to a "right"? In what fever dream would any party advocate having men wearing skirts use the same bathroom as little girls, or that grown men in skirts sans underwear (Drag Queens) would be reading and discussing sexual identity with kindergarten children?
 In what dystopian science fiction story would Black Supremacists bilking millions in the name of black power from working class blacks be supported by politicians as "peaceful protesters" as they pull people from their cars and beat them, burn businesses and occupying police stations? 
In what Satanic story would someone claiming to be Roman Catholic support abortion "rights" up to birth, and the killing of babies who survive the procedure, all for profit and political expediency? In what dystopian fantasy would a President coming into office deliberately sabotage our energy independence, destroy 12,000 jobs in one day and deliberately open our borders to un-vetted invaders, even sending much needed baby formula to support their invasion of our country? This is "woke" America and Satan's laughing in delight.
 It is no fantasy, and the Democrats have done this all and more, welcome to $6 /gallon gas, no food, no medicine and no essential parts for industry because of governmental failure to support the infrastructure, on top of being the closest to a world war since the Cold War days. Unlike Trump, Biden could not even run an organized staged withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving our allies to be slaughtered by fanatic Islamists and leaving them with millions of dollars of up to date US military equipment to sell or use against us. Well done Mr. Biden, you follow your mentor's example well, but he only lost an embassy and an ambassador, along with pushing through a bill that claimed "you can keep your Doctor and your payments won't go up" all a lie, of course. Something to be said for consistency, I suppose. 

One would be hard pressed to write an apocalyptic fantasy worse than the country has been placed into by "President" Biden and his ex hooker Veep, Harris. Pedo Joe can't even read his prompts correctly and when he goes off script, the whole machine in the White House goes into damage control and tries to shut him down before something horrific happens. He blithely describes a "liberal New World Order" that should send shivers down anyone's spine.
Harris is no better, and she actually devolves into tittering giggles when her line fails to match the teleprompter. Getting a logic chain out of her is like playing chess with a pigeon, who struts about the chessboard knocking over pieces and shitting on the board, then struts off like she won. These two make Punch and Judy look like savants.  

One can only wonder if even a landslide victory in the midterms will allow the Republicans to clean up the mess the Democrats have made of the country and the world. God help us.


Friday, May 27, 2022

UT at Austin Tx team develops low cost material that pu;ls water our of the air in low humidity areas.

 OK, this is big news, and the stuff isn't astronomically expensive, about $2 a kilogram. 


The material can pull 6 litres/day in 15% humidity. 13 litres/day in 30% humidity. per kg. For areas like Africa and the Middle East, this is a game changer and could put off the impending water crises brewing in the Third World, and even change life in US states like Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, to name a few. 

The trick will be to hold off any wealthy corporation or individual trying to buy rights to this stuff. Unfortunately, we have a truly incompetent, CCP owned demented fossil in place of a President right now, so the chances for this to really be of benefit may be at risk. Democrats can and will screw up anything they are allowed to touch. Always. 

Bill J. Old Wolf

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Biden's advisors now control the means to shut down our transportation and food supply.

tsorpdngc522fFrom a friend ( Tom Beam) WON'T SEE THIS ON CNN OR MSNBC...
Do you know what DEF fluid is? It's Diesel Exhaust Fluid. Every Diesel truck that has been made since 2010 is required to use it. It's a product made of 67% Urea fertilizer and 33% distilled water. Every diesel truck you see driving down the road today has to have this product to drive. The engines won't start without it. There are regulators inside the engine that mix DEF with the Diesel to reduce Diesel emissions. That's the purpose of DEF.
Right now, Russia is the largest exporter of Urea by a wide margin. Qatar is second. Egypt and China are Tied for 3rd. Both Russia and China have decided to no longer export Urea. On top of that, India is the largest manufacturer of Urea in the world even though they consume most of what they make. What little they would export..........they no longer do. They are now stopping the exportation of any and all Urea minus a deal they just cut with Sri Lanka.
What does this mean for you and me? Well, first, the United States imports most of it's Urea fertilizer. We are the third largest importer in the entire world. We depend on other countries to eat, drive and ship our products.
Secondly... Flying J is the largest Service provider for Truckers around the Unites States. I'm sure you've seen their massive gas stations when traveling around the country. Flying J gets 70% of their DEF fluid from shipments via Union Pacific railroad. UP has single user access to the Fertilizer plants that Urea/DEF fluid comes from. No other rail provider has access to these distribution points. This means Flying J can't just go around Union Pacific. Union Pacific is in charge....for a reason I'm gonna mention in a few paragraphs.
Flying J provides 30% of all DEF consumed in the United States. UP has told Flying J to reduce their shipments by a whopping 50%. And if they do not comply then they will be completely embargoed. That would in effect bankrupt FJ. This means that 15% of all DEF consumed by truckers in the US is no longer available at the largest travel service center for the entire trucking industry.
Rome rotted from the inside out. It was easily invaded because it was occupied with internal problems. It appears we have discovered the Trigger. DEF fluid. If this holds up, DEF shortages will be the catalyst that causes food shortages in the coming months. Not only is there a shortage of fertilizer to grow crops in drought-stricken states (See Kansas' drop in wheat production for 2022)....but....now it looks like, unless the Federal Government intervenes via the Defense Production Act, ...which I am no longer confident they will....there is gonna be an absolute massive shortage of trucking in the coming months.
There simply isn't going to be DEF fluid sufficient to keep the engines running and moving. Home Depot is now limiting the amount of DEF you can buy in their stores.
I would think long and hard about the decisions you are making right now. Where you live. What you spend money on. How you prepare. This is so real that the CEO of Flying J, Shameek Konar was summoned to a Surface Transportation Board hearing to give them all this info.
From what I'm reading....Blackrock is the majority shareholder of Union Pacific railroad. How is that important? Americas biggest fertilizer producer is CF Industries. Their largest shareholder is Blackrock. Blackrock controls the fertilizer industry in the U.S.. Union Pacific has exclusive rights to distribution points of fertilizer. Urea is fertilizer. Flying J needs Urea/DEF. Blackrock is controlling everything.
The Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute is Tom Donilon, President Obama’s former National Security Advisor. Tom Donilon’s brother, Mike Donilon is a Senior Advisor to Joe Biden. Tom Donilon’s wife, Catherine Russell, is the White House Personnel Director. Tom Donilon’s daughter, Sarah Donilon, who graduated college in 2019, now works on the White House National Security Council.
It appears Blackrock is spearheading the dismantling of the US system on behalf of the Globalists. And the first domino they are pushing over is the energy sector. They are using DEF to get the party started.

  • Friday, May 20, 2022


    Cornflakes and Common Sense
    Don Ellsworth 12:45 AM (12 hours ago)
    Where is Common Sense?
    An acquaintance farms over 10,000 acres of corn in the Midwest. The
    property is spread out over 3 counties.
    His operation is a "partnership farm" with John Deere. They use the
    larger farm operations as demonstration projects for the promotion
    and development of new equipment.
    He recently received a phone call from his John Deere representative,
    and they want the farm to go to electric tractors and combines in
    2023. He currently has 5 diesel combines that cost $900,000 each that
    are traded in every 3 years. He also owns over 10 really BIG tractors.
    John Deere wants him to go all-electric to satisfy the liberals.
    He said: "Ok, I have some questions."
    "How do I charge these combines when they are 3 counties away from
    the shop in the middle of a cornfield, in the middle of nowhere?"
    "How do I run them 24 hours a day for 10 or 12 days straight when
    the harvest is ready, and the weather is coming in?"
    "How do I get a 50,000+ lb combine that takes up the width of an
    entire road back to the shop 20 miles away when the battery goes
    There was dead silence on the other end of the phone.
    When the corn is ready to harvest, it has to have the proper sugar and
    moisture content. If it is too wet, it has to be put in giant dryers that
    burn natural or propane gas, and lots of it. Harvest time is critical
    because if it degrades in sugar content or quality, it can drop the
    value of his crop by half a million dollars or more. It is analyzed at
    time of sale.
    It is standard procedure to run these machines 10 to 12 days straight,24 hours a day at peak harvest time. When they need fuel, a tanker
    truck delivers it, and the machines keep going.
    John Deere's only answer is "we're working on it." They are being
    pushed by the radical democrats in the government to force these
    electric machines on the American farmer. These politicians are out of
    control. They are messing with the production of food crops that feed
    people and livestock ... all in the name of their "green dream" with no
    thought about how to achieve their objective.
    Combine this with the loss of grain in the Ukraine, look for the cost of
    your "box of cornflakes" to triple or more in the next 24 months.
    It might be hard to pay triple or even more for a "box of cornflakes." But if there
    are NO cornflakes, that could be really hard, especially if you are used to eating
    Does this possibility along with other "green dream" possibilities resonate with

    Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

     It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...