Monday, August 30, 2021

“Every license means interaction with officials. Every interaction with the official can be an open door for a corrupt request,” explains Fady Asly, chairman of Georgia’s International Chamber of Commerce.


Every interaction with an official of the government is an opportunity for corruption. This is especially true with career bureaucrats. The goal of any liberal democrat is to sequester power. The goal of any bureaucrat is to benefit from that power and maintain their position. Bureaucrats. like politicians are fundamentally flawed and by nature impure in their intentions. -
    This is a comment made by one of our founding fathers, and it rings true today, as it did over 200 years ago. There are clear and concise laws found  in the Constitution about how the populace should deal with the government. Bottom line, the government was intended to have minimal interaction with us. The sequestering of major power in the State government was a guiding principal in our country until the empire building of Lincoln and the greed for money and power by the Democrats during post war Reconstruction. 
    The Tenth Amendment lays out the limits of Federal authority and jurisdiction, a law which has been largely disregarded since the 1930s and especially in the last 20 years. The idea that a Constitutionally limited federal government is requiring citizens to register firearms, the use and ownership of which is laid out
in the Second Amendment, is anathema to the intent of the Tenth and Second Amendments of the Constitution. 
    The Second Amendment was written by men who faced charges of treason against the Crown and certain death if they lost the Revolutionary War. They knew that a standing army and militia (police entities of that day) were necessary for an orderly and safe society, but that these very entities were the source of oppression in almost every nation in the world at one time or another. They answered that dilemma by proposing that every citizen should be entitled to keep and bear the same arms that were carried by the army and police. That no law, ever, was to be proposed or enacted that infringed upon that right. 
    The implication being that the citizen was the first line of defense against oppression by his government, and that between the mechanism of the Convention of States (article 5) and the right to keep and bear arms (Second Amendment), the very same arms that the military carried were overriding mechanisms to protect against our government becoming a tyranny. The writings of Thomas Jefferson offer some of the best legal and moral rationale for these mechanisms, but almost all of the Founders expressed the same or similar feelings.
    Given the above, I propose that our present government is dysfunctional and corrupt beyond redemption. I strongly believe that a Convention of States is the only answer to the morass our government has become. Furthermore, I feel that the liberal indoctrination of our children and their stranglehold on our educational system is both a clear and present danger to our country and an unlawful seditious attack on the traditional family and the Constitution itself. 
    I suggest that corrupt and crime ridden urban centers like Detroit, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Portland Oregon and others be put under receivership under a Federal Judge, Notional Guard troops take over police functions and the local government of these cities be placed under arrest and investigated for corruption and negligence. These cities should be kept under martial law for two years, retrain and vet the police force and reestablish a Constitutionally based set of laws, reviewed and approved by the Federal Judge and the city released on completion of a free and fair election. All voters required legal ID, all illegals deported immediately, except those convicted of felonies, those to serve their sentence before deportation. Any of these people caught returning subject to a 20 year prison sentence. All gang members placed in custody and any foreign born or illegal status immediately deported, and any guilty of crimes deported after serving their sentence. Same restriction as above. 
    Every member of Congress who committed perjury to the country (Greene, Swalwell, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Waters et al) placed in prison for not less than 10 years without parole. Obama tried in federal court for malfeasance and illicit abuse of power in the use of the IRS to suppress opponents and the illegal use of false FISA warrants to spy on Americans. Agent Strzok, his girlfriend and any federal officer who committed felonious acts of abuse of office also imprisoned for no less than 15 years. Loretta Lynch, Hillary and Bill Clinton and Eric Holder imprisoned for sedition and conspiracy to commit acts of sedition and abuse of federal powers. A good start and should lead to a massive purge of bureaucrats. 
    Finally, Term Limits!!! Also Range/Castle Law and Stand Your Ground as national law, period. strict protection of the homeowner against invasion by police without proper warrant or any home invader.
    All this is doable and it would make our country strong, functional and far better than it has been in the last 150 years.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Our Government forgot it works for Us.

No matter how you cut it, the present situation in Afghanistan points out that President Biden doesn't grasp the concept that public servant means "a servant of the public" not that the public is his servant, an attitude that is prevalent among liberal office holders. 
The primary duty of the government is protection of the citizenry, upholding the order of law duly legislated according to Constitutional guidelines and working for the interests of the country and its citizens. Instead, the Democrats work to advance their agenda, consolidate power, accumulate money and influence and to control and manipulate the public. This is not unique to our country, the reason the Taliban are coming back into power is because Afghanis for the most part, don't want to have to think, don't want to make decisions, and especially don't want to take care of themselves. For all its brutality,. Taliban run Afghanistan was more peaceful than under a democratic regime. 
The tliban officils told everyone what to think, how to dress, what to eat, when to sleep and controlled about every aspect of life for them. While women really got the short end of the stick/whip/cablewhip/corded whip/bludgeon, men who remained subservient pretty much had it made. Taliban rules made it difficult for all, but if a man behaved himself he had a much life than women could hope for. I never understood feminists could support Islam, but I find liberalism literally uses a form of "doublethink" like that discussed in the cautionary tale "1984". I have thought in the past that a lot of liberals seem to think the dystopia found in that story is a good way to live. If that is not scary, I don't know what is.
 And so it goes. Thank a Biden voter.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

SciFi/Fantasy Stories and How They Help Explain Our Reality

When I was 5 years old, I won a local talent contest on WSEE TV, Arch of Talent. I then competed on national TV in a segment aired as a spot on a national TV show, Ted Mack's Talent Hour. I understand that that segment was also aired on some localities as one of the acts in front of the curtain on shows like Ed Sullivan. Most people didn't know that these segments were not present in the NYC studio, but were filmed off site at local TV affiliates. 
     That being said, there I was, at 5 years old under the lights in a national TV appearance. I was understandably overwhelmed, but didn't know at the time what to feel. That lack of understanding led me to abandon my singing career at about age 12 or so. Over that 7 year period, I was literally forced to appear at churches, local talent shows, a fair or two, and lots of places I don't remember or don't want to remember, not too sure about that. In any case, I came to hate singing, and moreover to realize that my parents looked at me as a potential cash cow. I remember thinking at the time of that realization that I had no way of dealing with the emotional and intellectual fallout of that situation.
    My father was a drunk, not an alcoholic, but a drunk, nearly every weekend passing out on the couch. 
The only time he took an interest in me or my life was when he thought I could make him money. First by singing, then later by playing MLB. I was a pretty good catcher and he latched onto that, even becoming a Little League manager and schmoozing talent scouts. 
If this sounds like the script of a bad B movie, imagine living it. So, I literally did not know how to deal with my feelings and my perception of reality, but how to safely feel at all. Since I was also short, ugly and definitely not in tune with my peers. I was bullied, harassed and ostracized, adding to the massive repression of feelings. So I quit Little League, Boy Scouts and about everything else. I went to school because my mother forced me to do so. I had the intellectual capacity to excel, but refused to do so in spite of my parents. 
    My life took a major turn when I was in a major car wreck on the way home from the hunting camp I helped my dad build, something I enjoyed a lot, despite my dad's general lack of enthusiasm about my being there, other than to be a gofer. I was actually building something. In 1965, my dad was drunk, as usual and this time went off the road ( with my mon, younger sister and me in the car) and hit a cement bridge abutment at about an estimated speed of 50-55 mph. The care flipped twice, rolled over twice and ended up right side up against a small stand of trees on the side of the road. 
    My dad was unconscious, covered in blood and the side of his head a huge gash with his brain exposed. I have lost a lot of the details of that night, but I gave my dad CPR (learned in the Boy Scouts) through the smashed and pretty much missing windshield. Now try to imagine the reaction for a 13 year old very immature boy seeing his father's brains exposed and giving him CPR in a wrecked car, through the windshield. 
     To say that my feelings were overwhelming and impossible to deal with is a massive understatement. Dad survived, specifically due to my giving him CPR, the first time I realized that I had any capacity to make a mark on the world. I saved a life, my father's life. OF course the next few years were total hell, and Dad never did recover completely from his injury. The rest of us were also injured, but with his being life threatening, nobody really checked up on the rest of us. I was left dealing with the image of my dad, believing he was dead. and seeing his brain through a hole in his skull, realizing that I also could have been dead, along with everyone in my family except my older sister. She was not there that weekend, on a date I think. 
    The kids at school temporarily left me alone, first in respect for my "heroism" (which didn't feel very heroic to me) and then just because they didn't "get " me. I was not a "normal" teen, and the accident and the aftermath left me truly alienated from everyone and everything, Mental health? What mental health? 
    So at age 13 I was officially and certifiably into an emotional funk that I used to repress any feelings at all. I don't remember much from that period, mainly because I was emotionally and intellectually un-invested. in the world. Considering what I went through, in terms of being unable to process or understand or even really feel my emotions from age 5 on, I had no reference points. I was emotionally left on a raft floating on the ocean of my emotions, or maybe up that proverbial tributary with no means of propulsion.  
    That is when I discovered SCIFI/ Fantasy. Most kids who read this genre probably got into the ships, ray guns, adventure,etc. I thought that was ok, but what hooked me was figuring out what the characters in those impossible situations felt, thought and how they dealt with it. To this day, I still do that. I judge a story not on the excitement, adventure or glitz, but on the grit and tenacity of the characters dealing with a reality they could neither control nor escape. I looked at Samwise Gamji and Friodo Baggins, not in terms of the grandeur of the story, but at what they felt, heard, saw and what it did to them. How they could possibly even process the immensity of their reality. What went on in their minds and hearts that kept them even functional in their quest. How they successfully and unsuccessfully dealt with their interaction under stress that is literally unbearable was an intense intellectual and emotional process for me.
    It was this empathy with the characters in these stories that allowed me to finally work through the first decade and a half of my life, and most of it thereafter. I finally had a touchstone to human feelings in and about a crisis, about dealing with an impossible situation. It was not so much how the characters do it in the story, indeed most authors are inept at best in expressing this process. It was my trying to empathetically work through these feelings, experiences and situations that gave me a massive relief from stress, isolation and pain. In seeing though the eyes of a character who faces death and intense fear and stress, pain and loss, I could put my own experiences in perspective. Another aspect of this was reading stories by authors like Zelazny, Gamil, and others whose characters are just normal people suddenly thrust into a situation where they have supernatural powers or perception. Lovecraft's stories where regular people are suddenly exposed to or assaulted by horrors the human mind is just not equipped to deal were  even more exquisite exercise in empathetic analysis of unquestionably impossible to deal with emotions. 
    Yes the sight of C'thuluhu rising from his watery grave would be incredible, but even more so, what did those seamen feel? What kind of terror stole their breath away and crushed their souls in that moment. How did they remain lucid in the face of ageless, nameless horror? To work through these experiences is to appreciate the true essence of being human. That is my reason for reading SciFi/ Fantasy, and I feel that they rest of the readers of these genre are missing out on the real core of the stories. 
    My training in martial arts, particularly the traditional arts of the Japanese Feudal Era, gave me more ability to overcome myself and my limitations, and in a sense, my fear of death. From the age of 5 I had several times I did not expect to get out of a situation or an illness alive. I credit martial arts with giving me an understanding that death itself is not to be feared. It is a possible outcome and the last fight you will lose. The arts also gave me more control of my temper and a constructive outlet for violent tendencies. Most recently I was a member of a medieval reenactment group that turned role playing into a full contact  martial art. 
    At the same time, I was starting a career as an RN, linking me with the past in a way that led  to a 40 year career in the ICU as an RN. Once again I was making a difference and it was immensely satisfying. It was also very high stress, again helped by retreating into the worlds of SciFi/Fantasy and examination of the lives and thoughts of those exposed to terrible, horrible situations over which they have little or no control. How does one survive these experiences? The very act of trying to figure this out for myself is cathartic and reassuring.  It is not that I believe these people to be real, but that they are metaphors of the process of figuring out my life for myself. 
    And so it goes.....

Thursday, August 19, 2021

When a demented Pedophile and a ghetto hooker run the country


Biden has a lot to answer for, but the media will, as directed by their billionaire globalist masters, protect his worthless ass, as they will Kamala Harris, the first ghetto hooker to be elected (supposedly) to the position of VP. This mangy pair have put everything into, not doing what is best for the country (they don't care about the country, they are globalists) , but into destroying all that Trump accomplished. Their deranged hatred for Trump is all consuming and it makes them unfit for their offices (although neither was fit anyway).

This being said, however, this hypocritical, wag the dog attack by the party of the ditzy, comparing the Republican party to the Taliban, is both insulting to our intelligence and criminally negligent on the part of the liberal wingnuts who put identity politics above all else. 

There is a provision in the Constitution called article 5. This article empowers the states to call a Convention of States. This is a provision to be used in a situation where the government has become dysfunctional, the Congress unable to legislate and the executive incompetent to run the country. It allows the direct intervention of the states themselves to overrule the standing government and make legislature that corrects the problems. I think it is time for this nuclear option. The COS can install term limits, restrict government spending and overreach and require legal review of the judiciary to ensure strict adherence to Constitutional standards. 

If we don't do this, the alternative is a civil war with racial overtones that could bring us down to third world status quickly. It is that bad.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

 How life resembles a garden                   

I started blogging because social media has become a one party system, ala China and Russia. The official liberal party line must be followed, worshiped and enforced on us all. The media like Facebook  MeWe, Reddit  and Twitter have become the over seers of our group thought. No one can have a different perspective nor can anyone disagree with core liberal principles like, erudition is being "too White" as is correct grammar, logical thought processes and above all, objective truth and honesty. That is all "racist" because any moral restriction on behavior is far too difficult for our minority brothers and sisters to conform with. They cannot be held to the difficult and disciplined moral and ethical values of the oppressors (white people).

Now, I am of course Caucasian by birth and culture, with a touch of Native American in the mix, so I am, by definition, an oppressor. I pay taxes and obey the law. I am educated and did my stint in the military and went to school for a Nursing baccalaureate degree and then did 40 years or so as an ICU Nurse. I saved many black lives, certainly more than anyone in Black Lives Matter ever did, so the epithet of oppressor seems to me to be at least somewhat misplaced. 

In my garden, I have many different plants, some are good for food, others are spices and some are weeds. There are plants that contribute and plants that are essentially parasites. For me to consider the parasites as equal to or even superior to the produce plants seems both stupid and unquestionably destructive to the garden. Also while they are nothing but a useless drain on my garden, I l have to leave some because they are mixed in with the productive plants. 

This is the situation in our minority community. The garden is full of productive individuals who are useful to their community and society in general, but, mixed in are weeds whose sole function is to parasitize the useful and productive plants. This makes it difficult to actually purge the bad plants from the garden. In most cases, until the plants are well established,  So getting the criminals and deadbeats out from among the good folks requires a direct and hands on approach. 

If the black activists actually give a damn about their fellow blacks, their protests would be on the street corners in front of the drug dealers, gang-bangers and multigenerational welfare families. They should do a sit in in Nancy Pelosi's home and office. The ones who should be subject to the violent "peaceful" protests are those like Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters and Alexandra Occasional Cortex. Pull these bastards from their vehicles and beat the tar out of them for decades of abuse of the minority vote, especially the black voters. 

Right now, the weeds are lording it over the productive and decent plants, and until we decide to purge the weeds, it will continue, to our detriment.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...