Monday, August 30, 2021
“Every license means interaction with officials. Every interaction with the official can be an open door for a corrupt request,” explains Fady Asly, chairman of Georgia’s International Chamber of Commerce.
Friday, August 27, 2021
Our Government forgot it works for Us.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
SciFi/Fantasy Stories and How They Help Explain Our Reality

Thursday, August 19, 2021
When a demented Pedophile and a ghetto hooker run the country
Biden has a lot to answer for, but the media will, as directed by their billionaire globalist masters, protect his worthless ass, as they will Kamala Harris, the first ghetto hooker to be elected (supposedly) to the position of VP. This mangy pair have put everything into, not doing what is best for the country (they don't care about the country, they are globalists) , but into destroying all that Trump accomplished. Their deranged hatred for Trump is all consuming and it makes them unfit for their offices (although neither was fit anyway).
This being said, however, this hypocritical, wag the dog attack by the party of the ditzy, comparing the Republican party to the Taliban, is both insulting to our intelligence and criminally negligent on the part of the liberal wingnuts who put identity politics above all else.
There is a provision in the Constitution called article 5. This article empowers the states to call a Convention of States. This is a provision to be used in a situation where the government has become dysfunctional, the Congress unable to legislate and the executive incompetent to run the country. It allows the direct intervention of the states themselves to overrule the standing government and make legislature that corrects the problems. I think it is time for this nuclear option. The COS can install term limits, restrict government spending and overreach and require legal review of the judiciary to ensure strict adherence to Constitutional standards.
If we don't do this, the alternative is a civil war with racial overtones that could bring us down to third world status quickly. It is that bad.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
How life resembles a garden
I started blogging because social media has become a one party system, ala China and Russia. The official liberal party line must be followed, worshiped and enforced on us all. The media like Facebook MeWe, Reddit and Twitter have become the over seers of our group thought. No one can have a different perspective nor can anyone disagree with core liberal principles like, erudition is being "too White" as is correct grammar, logical thought processes and above all, objective truth and honesty. That is all "racist" because any moral restriction on behavior is far too difficult for our minority brothers and sisters to conform with. They cannot be held to the difficult and disciplined moral and ethical values of the oppressors (white people).
Now, I am of course Caucasian by birth and culture, with a touch of Native American in the mix, so I am, by definition, an oppressor. I pay taxes and obey the law. I am educated and did my stint in the military and went to school for a Nursing baccalaureate degree and then did 40 years or so as an ICU Nurse. I saved many black lives, certainly more than anyone in Black Lives Matter ever did, so the epithet of oppressor seems to me to be at least somewhat misplaced.
In my garden, I have many different plants, some are good for food, others are spices and some are weeds. There are plants that contribute and plants that are essentially parasites. For me to consider the parasites as equal to or even superior to the produce plants seems both stupid and unquestionably destructive to the garden. Also while they are nothing but a useless drain on my garden, I l have to leave some because they are mixed in with the productive plants.
This is the situation in our minority community. The garden is full of productive individuals who are useful to their community and society in general, but, mixed in are weeds whose sole function is to parasitize the useful and productive plants. This makes it difficult to actually purge the bad plants from the garden. In most cases, until the plants are well established, So getting the criminals and deadbeats out from among the good folks requires a direct and hands on approach.
If the black activists actually give a damn about their fellow blacks, their protests would be on the street corners in front of the drug dealers, gang-bangers and multigenerational welfare families. They should do a sit in in Nancy Pelosi's home and office. The ones who should be subject to the violent "peaceful" protests are those like Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters and Alexandra Occasional Cortex. Pull these bastards from their vehicles and beat the tar out of them for decades of abuse of the minority vote, especially the black voters.
Right now, the weeds are lording it over the productive and decent plants, and until we decide to purge the weeds, it will continue, to our detriment.
Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.
It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...

A poem that says it all: Emanuele Grandi's moving poem is dedicated to our four-legged friends. "If you are afraid of having given...
I hate to say I told you so, well, actually I love it, but I digress. All my "conspiracy" theories have become reality. He...
It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...