Saturday, April 3, 2021

This woman is the living example of the Peter Principle. She has blundered through the term in Congress surviving on being tolerated because she is a woman, while pretending that she is competent. If any man, GOP or Dumbocrat, did the things she has done, they would be gone long ago. Unfortunately, she is one of the pop pseudo-intellectual socialistas that the left adores, even while secretly admitting that her politics are insane and dangerous. She holds out traditional family values in contempt, actively undermines the Constitution and fosters disunity through misrepresentation and supports anti-American groups like Antifa,NOI and BLM and calls for the rewriting of history to reflect the leftist narrative and truth be damned. She is terminally pretty and petty, a perfrect coquette and free of all the usual social restriction that protect society from the depredations such women inflict on those around them, is markedly destructive. She needs to be restricted and removed from any public office and put under constraints that will keep her out of trouble until she actually has time to grow up.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...