Friday, April 9, 2021

Joe Biden, pretender to the Oval Office and all around sniffer of young girls, has determined that he knows what is best for the rest of us. We don't really need the Bill of Rights, so he is de facto dismissing them for the sake of his agenda. He knows, in fact it's public knowledge and verified that the areas with strict and restrictive gun laws have both more crime and more gun violence than those ares whose leaders and people respect the authority of the 2nd amendment. Armed and trained civilians are simply the very best defense against crime, hands down. 

The media pushes the idea that gun control=crime control, when it doesn't at all. The presence of armed civilians and homes with firearms available and used have repeatedly demonstrated that armed homeowners can and do protect their homes and those of their neighbors more effectively than the police, whose function is to wrap the bodies, take a report and sometimes catch the perp, but far too late to save anyone. Nor are the police held accountable for failure to protect victims. They are mandated as constables, whose sole purpose is to maintain public order, not to fight crime nor to protect anyone. The Constitution specifically assigns the responsibility for personal protection to the individual. The gun control movement by definition sets up a Catch-22 situation and they just don't care. The left does not care if people are victimized by criminals, mainly because of the demographics of the vast majority of criminals. The left protects criminals and cares nothing for the law abiding individual.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...