Friday, April 23, 2021


Woke Amerika: Home of the Weak, enemy of the Brave
In another policy move only a lib snowflake could love, Leftists have decided that teens should be allowed to stab each other without police interference. Yes, folks, it is now racist to stop a knife attack, especially racist to actually use violence or force to protect the victim of the attack from another teen having a bad day. Just because a POC wants to stab a melanin-challenged supremacist, there is no justification (per the left) for using force to stop the attacker. That would infringe on their rights, and it's racist to expect a POC to be able to obey the law or be accountable for their actions. Welcome to woke Amerika, home of the weak and enemy of the brave.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The new rules that are going to destroy our country.


In general, a person who has been through something like the Holocaust is never going to acquiesce to carting people off to concentration camps. Nor would someone who lived through the days of Southern Reconstruction ever really trust the government to run things. Nor would they agree to extremism in any form. But, today's "woke" community, while claiming victim status, is all about social aggression, suppression, and racist attacks on whites. Why? Because before anyone here today was born, blacks were slaves in the southern plantations. For them, this constitutes an excuse for entitlement, violent crime, and a culture that worships criminal behavior, misogyny as a norm, and the lack of a father in the home. Then to blame all this on white supremacists and systemic racism. While even the blacks who take this position know full well it is pure BS, the woke culture is politically convenient to the left, and the MSM has made it the narrative.

So we get the new social standards of the woke community. Obey them or be canceled and possibly attacked on the street. 


White is wrong. no matter what, no exceptions.

Blacks are the only legitimate minority

blacks are not accountable when they break the law, laws are for whites and other demographics, not blacks

Diversity = fewer whites

gender fluidity is ok because it attacks the traditional family, who are almost universally white. 

Historical truth is relative, in fact, truth itself is relative and subservient to the Narrative

there are 2 sets of rules, one for whites, one for POC, and guess which is actually oppressive?

However, the so-called "downtrodden" self-absorbed and an entitled minority of today, personified by BLM, an organization whose very basis for existence is a blatant lie, are themselves the problem. The issue they claim as justification for their existence and criminal behavior is factually incorrect and at this point, a deliberate lie.

 A group who constitute 14% of the population, commit 80% of all violent crimes from murder to robbery to assault to rape and constitute the single most significant drain on the country's resources, claim to be oppressed. They are oppressed when the white majority has "too much representation" on media and TV, about 40% and dropping. They bemoan being kept out of white clubs, but they both exclude whites from College campus facilities and attack them on campus for "being too white". To call the BLM-led black supremacist apartheid movement that is "Black Lives Matter" hypocritical is an extreme understatement. 

What is worse, the left has found a "Cause Celebre" in these social parasites that gives a superficial gloss of rectitude to the entire attack on the moral principles and the majority of the population. Significantly, this portion of the population produces more than any other, gives more to society, and is the source of all the free stuff these parasites enjoy to buy their votes for the progressive Democrats. 

These black activists who claim oppression are themselves the oppressor, and stupidly not only bite the hand that has fed them for over a hundred years but are actively destroying the only country on Earth where they could get away with the violence, crime, and antisocial behavior they exhibit.  Most disturbingly, those people of color who obey the law, get an education, and actually contribute to society ( and there are a lot of them) are "too white". It would be comical was it not so tragic. 

Solutions? None. The only viable solution to BLM and the Left is far too violent for most of us. The white population of the US is overwhelmingly Christian, and no matter what branch of that religion you hold to, your moral compass does not point to violent purging and the likes of the Pogroms of 19th century Eastern Europe. While this is what is needed, I doubt that anyone among white society, aside from the very small, if albeit vocal, lunatic fringe that actually does hold white supremacist views, would be capable of this kind of violence. The white population, while being accused of being evil, is actually too moral and civilized to take actions that would correct the ghetto crime and social upheavals caused by the black minority. 

This foul infection will just have to burn itself out, and I only hope and pray that we who treasure morality and patriotism don't fall prey to the temptation to return violence for violence, suppression for suppression, and hate for hate.I wish we could encourage and collaborate with the people of color who are decent, upright citizens against all the social pressure from their culture. the situation is not tenable and will not end well. It is never a good idea to poke the bear whose cage you share. And so it goes. It will get uglier before it gets better. 

Friday, April 9, 2021

Joe Biden, pretender to the Oval Office and all around sniffer of young girls, has determined that he knows what is best for the rest of us. We don't really need the Bill of Rights, so he is de facto dismissing them for the sake of his agenda. He knows, in fact it's public knowledge and verified that the areas with strict and restrictive gun laws have both more crime and more gun violence than those ares whose leaders and people respect the authority of the 2nd amendment. Armed and trained civilians are simply the very best defense against crime, hands down. 

The media pushes the idea that gun control=crime control, when it doesn't at all. The presence of armed civilians and homes with firearms available and used have repeatedly demonstrated that armed homeowners can and do protect their homes and those of their neighbors more effectively than the police, whose function is to wrap the bodies, take a report and sometimes catch the perp, but far too late to save anyone. Nor are the police held accountable for failure to protect victims. They are mandated as constables, whose sole purpose is to maintain public order, not to fight crime nor to protect anyone. The Constitution specifically assigns the responsibility for personal protection to the individual. The gun control movement by definition sets up a Catch-22 situation and they just don't care. The left does not care if people are victimized by criminals, mainly because of the demographics of the vast majority of criminals. The left protects criminals and cares nothing for the law abiding individual.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

This woman is the living example of the Peter Principle. She has blundered through the term in Congress surviving on being tolerated because she is a woman, while pretending that she is competent. If any man, GOP or Dumbocrat, did the things she has done, they would be gone long ago. Unfortunately, she is one of the pop pseudo-intellectual socialistas that the left adores, even while secretly admitting that her politics are insane and dangerous. She holds out traditional family values in contempt, actively undermines the Constitution and fosters disunity through misrepresentation and supports anti-American groups like Antifa,NOI and BLM and calls for the rewriting of history to reflect the leftist narrative and truth be damned. She is terminally pretty and petty, a perfrect coquette and free of all the usual social restriction that protect society from the depredations such women inflict on those around them, is markedly destructive. She needs to be restricted and removed from any public office and put under constraints that will keep her out of trouble until she actually has time to grow up.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

 The media has been accused of biased and one sided reporting. At last they have both admitted it and embraced it. Liberal leftist talking head Lester Holt admits he won't present both sides of a story. "Fairness is overrated" 

This statement made by a conservative would start a veritable war. Why then, is it ignored by the media? Is this the real attitude of the US media? Why no outrage?

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...