Sunday, July 28, 2024

Ever Wonder why LGBTQ can Openly Mock Christianity but are Afraid to Mock Islam? The Olympic Opening Ceremony was an Act of Cowards

I am a Catholic convert, raised as a Protestant.  A non-Catholic friend spoke to me about the Olympic Ceremony. As an aside, I stopped caring about the Olympics during the long ago scandal about figure skating, doping and corruption in the Olympic Committee. My friend and also my wife described the Government funded and supported blasphemy mocking the Last Supper. At first I was disgusted, of course, but then I realized why LGBTQ only mock Christians. As far as I know, no Christian group or country has ever murdered gays en masse. The queers and trans are deeply afraid of what Muslims would do if, say a fat white gay woman dressed a burka pissed on a Quran in public, or a gay dude dressed and masquaraded as Mohammed , etc. You get the picture. 
    Remember what happened to Salman Rushdie, author of "The Satanic Verses" who dared to criticize Islam? He was knifed by a Muslim acting on a fatwa against Rushdie. When thd French publication Charlie Hebdo depicted Mohammed wearoing a rocket for a turbin, Muslims armed with automatic weapons ( guns are outlawed in France, BTW) attacked the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris killing a few civilians and seven police.  The LGBTQ are scred to death to offend someone who will actually take action against them. They are not only perveted, sick individuals, but they are COWARDS. Like most bullies, they will only pick on someone who won't retaliate. To say that Christians oppress LGBTQ (a bold faced lie.), but not say anything about the group who publicly throw gay men off buildings and stone gay women to death, or in some cases, simply burn them alive is pretty much hypocrisy and a lie. 
    But their entire lifestyle is a lie, so no surprises there. There is no such thing as a "trans" and LGBTQ are all simply perverted sick, and unfortunately enabled by a corrupt government, mentally ill people who cannot accept who they really are.  Now they want to force us to pretend they are normal. Yeah, right.
    The LGBTQ agenda went from "we just want to be left alone" to grroming kids (chanting "we're coming for your kids" at gay rallies is a dead giveaway that this is indeed the case) and trying to force their sick and twisted lifestyle on the rest of us. So be it. I hope the backlash to this is intense and massive, and I hope the Islamists really do come for you. I'll probably even bring the popcorn. 


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...