Saturday, December 23, 2023
An Unpopular Position.
Sunday, December 3, 2023
"Democratic Strategist" James Carville is Herr Goebels returned from Hell.
The old saying "Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it" was never truer than today; today's neo-nazi far left pundits are familiar enough with the Nazi Party's strategies in early 1930 Germany to use them. Unfortunately, no one with a public voice seems willing to call them on their plots. With groups like BLM, Antifa, and LGBTQ activists doing the footwork and the DOJ playing the part of the SS, today is a scene right out of "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich".
Once again the Jews are under attack, both from the government and from hate groups like Antifa and BLM, but now so are Asians and Whites, especially Christians. A deranged biological male with severe self-doubts about his ability to compete with alpha males and who takes advantage of women by co-opting their sports (scholarships & championships) and demands that those around him call him a she gets far more respect and credence than a law-abiding White Christian or Asian father who cares for his family, pays taxes and acts responsibly. The situation has been rightly called "Clown World" and the name fits.
A several-day period of civil unrest, particularly three nights of heavy rioting from May 27, 2020, to the overnight hours of May 29, 2020 resulted in an estimated $500 million of damages to 1,500 property locations, 604 arrests, 164 instances of arson, and 2 riot-related deaths. CHOP/CHAZ turned the resident's property into a prison for them and an array of Main Stream Media praises and false narratives about the "peaceful" riots and "quiet" neighborhood of the CHOP. The property owners there experienced a very different reality, with physical intimidation, extortion, theft, and assault being a daily occurrence. Liberal Seattle and Portland governments both tacitly supported the rioters and those occupying the police stations and the so-called "autonomous zone". These authorities did little or nothing to protect the people being extorted from their property and physically abused. Elderly Asians living in the area of BLM activity were in fear (rightly) of their lives, and many more random back-of-the-head punches were perpetrated by black youths than those shown on public media videos. Even that minority of videos were actively suppressed by complicit Media.
Repellent and vile as this was, the hypocrisy of it all in light of the treatment of the protesters in the J6 incident is worse. The government itself is a participant in discriminatory behavior targeting Whites, Christians, Jews, and Asians. The precedent set by Obama's illegal use of the IRS to intimidate his opponents, the DOJ/FBI/Homeland Security trinity of evil has turned into a well-protected policy of anti-conservative unreported government oppression.
Far-Left pundits like James Carville and Soros-owned mouthpieces like "The View" and the "Today Show" et. al. are fully as deceptive and dangerous as the Third Reich's propaganda machine, maybe more so. Gaslighting the public is what all these media outlets exist for. Gone are the days when the media kept tabs on illegal and oppressive governments, they are now owned by the very same people who pull the strings on powerful officials.
Thomas Jefferson and others warned about the loss of freedom and democracy's perversion into a police state. They were prophets. It is time for:
- Convention of States
- Repealing the 17th Amendment
- Returning our military from being the world police,
- Ending foreign ownership of US property and resources
- National right to carry, Castle law, and "Stand your ground" laws
- Strict term limits for all local, State, and Federal government
- removal of power from unelected bureaucrats
- Closing our borders with military patrols and intense enforcement of our borders
- Ending all but absolutely necessary immigration
- Placing sanctuary cities under receivership under a federal judge
- Removing those incompetent and corrupt local liberal governments under a forensic audit
- Prosecution for abuse of office and illegal financial activities
- Military patrols of inner city crime centers, removal, and deportation of all illegals
- RICO prosecution of all gangs
- Removal of all CRT/LGBTQ and anti-Constitution/pro-Sharia programs from public education. Force focus on STEM, Civics, Classical studies, Critical thinking/analytics, linguistics and technical/industrial job training.
- Absolutely no mail-in ballots, "enabled" voting, absentee voting except military posted out of voting area. All voter must have valid ID. All counting and handling of ballots u be done with equal representation of all political parties on the ballots.
Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.
It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...

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I hate to say I told you so, well, actually I love it, but I digress. All my "conspiracy" theories have become reality. He...
It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...