Wednesday, January 20, 2021

first Wolfspeak

 There is little in the world that is really new, and the old adage "those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it" has a lot of application today. Right now there are contradictory reports about the invasion of the Capitol. The FBI stated that they knew the incursion was being planned but did not explain their not sharing that information with other LE agencies, including the Capitol Police. This can explain Speaker Pelosi's shady and probably unconstitutional push to rush through an impeachment vote. If she knew that the FBI report made it plain that Trump's speech did not incite the incursion, then her actions, rash as they appear, make perfect sense. Furthermore, reports of the leaders and planners of this attack being members of Antifa and BLM, including at least one sus[ect arrested by the FBI, then the whole story of this being related to Trump falls apart. 

What does this have to do with history repeating itself? On 27 February 1933,  a fire broke out at the German Legislative House, the Reichstag. Who set it was never definitively determined, and both the Nazi Party and the Communist Party were blamed. In any case, the Nazis took full advantage of the manufactured public outrage to nearly eliminate all their opponents, and even set up a puppet "opposition" in the legislature, leading to the Third Reich and all its infamy. The observant person cannot help but see the parallels to what the Democrats in Congress are doing. The reason for the unheard-of late impeachment is obvious. They want to prevent Trump from being reelected in 2024, a very real possibility. Secondly, they know that they did not win a decisive victory and that they could lose both houses of Congress in 2022 as well as losing a lot of local governmental positions. 

So, they are taking a playbook from the Nazis in 1933, striking while the iron is hot and trying to take Trump out of the picture permanently, undermine the "loyal opposition in Congress" while setting up a cadre of pliable Republicans to act as an "opposition" while not actually opposing the liberal agenda. Part of this is to convince the general public that they are in danger from a nonexistent far right radical army that will spread violence over the country and even try to reverse the 2020 election by claiming fraud , corruption, and illegal election manipulation, and yes, cheating. The fact that this did happen, and is documented makes no difference. The fix is in.

Whether Pelosi, Schumer, and the DNC actually read the history of the rise of the Third Reich is immaterial. It happened, and without some serious intervention, will happen again. I suggest doing some reading on the post Reichstag rise of Adolf Hitler ( his real name at birth was  Schikelgruber, by the way, obviously he had to change that name) to the rule of the German Republic. The rest is history. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...