“Springfield’s story is typical — a small post-industrial Midwestern city that all the young people are moving away from(1), whose businesses have tried recruiting immigrants to make up for the lack of local workers,” Smith said. “As is common throughout American history, the workers ended up being mostly from one country(2), thanks to word-of-mouth reports from the first people who went there. Although plenty of rightists called the Haitians ‘illegals’, most of them were brought to Springfield legally(3)… Obviously when 15,000 Haitians show up in a Midwestern town of 60,000 people, there are going to be tensions. But like most Midwestern towns, Springfield is handling the influx well.”(4) 1. Young people are moving away from Springfield because the influx of illegal aliens (including the ones the Biden administration brought in by the planeful to circumvent the requirement to apply for "asylum") has removed affordable housing from the town. Young people move because they have no where to stay, thanks to Democrat inspired housing support to non-citizens, causing price gouging in the housin market that drives away young people trying to find a place to live. This is yet another example of MSM gaslighting us and twisting the truth to support the Ethnic Cleansing of America against native born US citizens, especially those of European background. The once Midwestern culture and population of Springfield has been supplanted and is no longer even American; it is now Haitian. 2 Workers made up of one country or origin is because the Biden administration wants to displace conservatives with backward and obedient foreigners who will both vote Democrat (several times in each election if told to do so) and be obedient to the government. They are accultured to obey authority, and are not even aware of the Bill of Rights.Not enough democrats? Import them. Employers are also not allowed to expect good work ethic or performance, and will face government punishment if they expect the same job performance from immigrants as from native born Americans. Such expectations are, of course "racist", according to the Left. 3. They are not legal immigrants, just because they came in a plane paid for by the Democrats (using our tax money) it's no diferent than crossing the southern border illegally. They were not invited by the citizens of Springfield. This is de facto ethnic cleansing by the Democrats. 4. According to the majority of townspeople they are not "handling it well". This piece of leftist gaslighting is typical of the crap the Democrats keep handing us. They have been pushed to the magins of their own community by an unlawful action by the Government and will either "suck it up" or face prosecution for hate speech and violation of the "rights" of the Haitian nationals. This is Third World Police State behavior. Our government is not representing us, especially not those among us who really do need to be represented. The Democrats, as Biden infamously told a factory worker who confronted him " Don't work for you!" That is the Democrat policy in a nutshell, and like it or not, you will obey. Alle ist klar. Kommisar? |