Saturday, August 17, 2024

How do we fix the Country?

How do we fix the country, and quickly ?  
1. Close the Border. Now. 
2 Pull troops back from overseas deployment and stop being the World Police. Close all but the most necessary strategic bases.
3. No more foreign aid. period. Keep our tax dollars here and use for rebuilding infrastructure.
4. Station troops along the borders and to help build a solid border wall from Gulf to Pacific. Include remote cameral and electrified fencing on top. Regular patrols with sonar to detect tunneling. 
5. Have troops with ICE support move into all Sanctuary Cities and put those cities under receivership with a Federal Judge. Forensic audit of all local government in any Sanctuary City. Arrest and deport all illegals, incarcerate all gangs, cartel mules and human traffickers in the former Japanese American concentration camps for processing through a military tribunal with full executive powers. 
6. Federal forensic audit of all Sanctuary city local governments with prosecution under RICO where appropriate. Place military Law Enforcement units in charge of local police and do retraining. Forensic audits of all Law Enforcement agencies and review of policies and procedures. 
7 House homeless in repurposed abandoned buildings using homeless labor to repair and revamp these buildings, paid minimum wage.  Require all welfare recipients to do public works labor in order to receive benefits. Universal medial examinations for all welfare applicants with the same vetting used in VA benefit applications. 
8. Any female with more than 2 children receiving welfare receives mandatory sterilization if she wishes to remain on welfare. Her body, her choice, with concomitant accountability. Any woman on her third abortion to receive mandatory sterilization. along with the procedure. If she doesn't want kids, OK, but she has. no right to commit serial murder on unborn children. 
9. Immediate Convention of States, repeal the 17th amendment, mandatory term limits, mandatory requirement for any elected congressman or state legislature member to refrain from any relationship, employment or consultant with any business or entity doing business with the government. 
10. Moratorium on all immigration except for strategically necessary individuals for at least 15 years. No anchor babies. No baby born of illegal aliens in the US to be allowed citizenship automatically. Any immigrant family without any criminal behavior may apply for expedited review for naturalization. Any individual participating in any civil unrest to be barred for naturalization permanently. Any person in country on student visa participating in civil unrest to be immediately deported and permanently barred from entry in to the US. 
11. All elected official and appointed government employees to be forensic audited annually in the case of Congressional or Cabinet and sub Cabinet positions, all others on a randomized basis. 
12 Disband BATF, DHS and IRS, Establish flat tax system administered by the Treasury without any exemptions. Graduated tax rates based on percentage of personal wealth. Full forensic audit and congressional oversight of FBI, to take over duties held by BATF and DHS.
13. FISA court to be removed and replaced by review board with half of membership from the House of Representatives and half from civilians picked by lot as done in Jury selection to serve a paid 2 year term. 
14. Full legal support of the Second and 4th amendments. Universal carry, gun safety training required in all high school students without exception. Including visit to trauma centers and morgues to observe the results of gun violence and misuse. Universal Castle Law, Range Law and Stand Your Ground Laws. Complete ban on all civil prosecution for self defense or defense of others, including home, vehicle or other applicable situations without exception. 
15. All criminal sentences to be served in solitary confinement. This will significantly decrease recidivism.
16. Proof of citizenship required for voting, local, state or federal. Period, no exceptions. One person, one vote, citizens only 
16 No CRT, BLM, LGBTQ, Neo-Nazism, Antisemitic, Anti-White, White supremacism, Black Supremacism or any other political ideology is to be taught or discussed in any public educational facility. Any teacher teaching a political agenda or promoting political propaganda or any sort to be suspended and teaching license suspended permanently, Curricula to include Phonics, Literature, Classical studies, cursive handwriting, creative writing, critical thinking and analytics, Civics, Political Science, at least one foreign language, fluency required by senior year of High School. STEM, Industrial Technology and "Shop" class, Rifle Club and Gun & Hunting safety, basic forestry and conservation taught by a trained Forest Ranger, Financial responsibility (balancing a checkbook, writing a resume, basic contractual law, managing finances and obtaining a loan), apprentice programs for industrial jobs like system administration , carpentry, electrician technology, industrial mechanics, CAD/CAM, Computer repair and programming, machinist, etc. 
17. All media licensed to broadcast strictly regulated to be non-biased. Presenting Facts only, suppressing no facts, nor promoting others. all "journalists" with historical bias , especially extremely fringe socialist/marxist and promoting racist propaganda like "the View", CNN/MSMNBC/ Don Lemon and his ilk, to be relegated to starting their own programming on social media. All social media likewise regulated with an over sight board containing both Leftist snd Right wing conservatives as well as moderate and independents/libertarians to arrive at a consensus on balanced programming. (fistfights at meetings expected,. but it worked for Kennedy's cabinet in the Cuban Missile crisis. so let em, swing). 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Well, I Called it, Didn't I?



    I hate to say I told you so, well, actually I love it, but I digress. All my "conspiracy" theories have become reality. Here are some observations: I said that there would be a "false flag" operation to take the heat off of Kamela Harris, because she has shown repeatedly in the last 3 1/2 years that she cannot think on her feet (she has always done much better on her back, but that is a blog for later). She has nightmares about being asked why she hasn't addressed the issues she is running on in the last 3 1/2 years. So, to prevent her from being exosed to too much public scrutiny, there is a two pronged attack on public information concerneing her and her complete lack of performance. First, the MSM is and will continue to treat her with kid gloves. None of her word salad and bizarre mannerisms will be mentioned, as will any gafffes be suppressed. She will not be asked any difficult questions, which she cannot answer without coacking from her handlers. Secondly, the DNC has declared war on Biden, throwing him to the wolves with involvement of the DOJ, who (amazingly good timing) have "found" new documentation on Biden's violation of the Official Documents Act and the National Security Act. Whether they prosecute him or not, the story is being treated as "news" while nothing negative about Kamela Harris is not news.
    In short, we're being gaslighted, again, 
    Now the Left is calling anyone on the Right a "cult", however, the  fact is the Left is far an away more "cultish" than the Right. One only need listen to Don Lemon or "the View" to observe this blatant behavior. Almost all violent acts of a political nature have been committed by the Left, not the Right. However, that is NEVER reported by the MSM nor acknowledged by the Left. The media and social media are so biased toward the Left that they no longer even deny that fact, but defend their bias as "defending democracy". That is like screwing for virginity. Free speech means hearing things you don't like and even defending the right of others to say things you don't like and disagree with you. It also means that if. you make an assertion, anyone has the right to confront you about it and ask for (and recieve) a logical argument defending tht assertion or statement. That concept is anathema  to the Left, whose very lifeblood is 1984 style "Doublethink". Yes you can read the damn book youself if you don't know what that is. 
    Another aspect of freedom, liberty and free speech is that NO ONE cn demand you believe somthing that is egregiously false and against reality. In the past, to defend the specious "cliimate change/global warming" claims, the mantra was "follow the science" until, of course 'the science" found little or no concrete data to support it, and then, when the LGBTQ war on traditional family and child grooming began, suddenly Biology was no longer the "truth". If a mentally ill man decides to wear a dress and pretend to be a woman, suddenly we are pressured to discard reality and pretend with him that "he is a "She".  This is Doublethink at its finest.
    Finally, the Left controlled Government has behaved like some Third World shithole dictator. The IRS was weaponized by Obama to target and intimidate his opponents. The FISA court was used to attack and undermine a sitting duly elected President and falsely accuse him of Russian collusion, something Biden was actually doing, but never prosecuted for. Biden weaponized the DOJ and all you have ot do is compare the treatment of Trump (SWAT team home invasion) to that of Biden ( nice old guy too confuised to proseute or agressively invade his home, but still able to run the country. yeah, right!) and one can see the two tiered justice administered by this administration. 
    Finally, Harris and the rest of "the Squad" have all broken their oaths of office and undermined the Constitution. Look at their defense of non-citizens voting (usually multiple times) and recieving resources designated for the support of US citizens. You can bet that if illegals voted Republican, they would be riuoting in the street to "send them home". The Left, and especially its titular leader, Kamala Harris are all hypocrites, liars and traitors. Period, no spin, no BS, just the facts., 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...