Friday, March 22, 2024

The Democrats now Dismiss the "Crimes" They Accused Trump of Committing Evidence and Testimony Show Biden Committing.

No matter your political affiliation, anyone listening to the Hunter Biden hearings can no longer claim Joe Biden is not dirty. The issue here is whether to prosecute Joe for these crimes. The fact they have shown rather disturbing hypocrisy during the hearings aside, and discarding the rabid fringe element of the Democratic Party, the determining factor is whether there is any moral or ethical sense left in the mainstream Democrat.

There is no denying the facts, Joe Biden profited from Hunter Biden's influence pedaling and was fully aware of and protected his son's illegal behavior. He has colluded with foreign corporations and allowed influence pedaling. He did, in effect everything that Trump was falsely accused of doing. The question facing the Democrats is whether to allow and even promote a two tiered justice system. They don't seem to believe that everyone is entitled to the same protection under the Constitution. If that is the case and this is allowed to continue, a civil war is probably inevitable. The issue of allowing a two tiered justice system where Conservatives are indeed considered "deplorable" and deprived of rights under the Constitution is far, far more divisive than even slavery was. 

It is not at all a stretch to consider that the Democrats would resort to martial law and install a police state supported by globalist interests in order to maintain power. Both Hillary and AOC have proposed making a list of undesirables and reactivating the WWII era concentration camps formerly used for detention of Japanese Americans in WWII to detain them, and both believe that Stalin era "re-education" prograns must be used to reprogram the Pro-Trump "delorables" into well behaved and obedient little liberal sheep.. They have removed political opponents and inconvenient persons by assassination in the past. Hillary has a truly impressive trail of "natural cause" deaths in her wake, and nobody in their right mind can believe Epstein committed suicide. Even the ambassador abandoned to a grisly death and torture in Benghazi was coincidentally about to testify against the Clintons. Pure coincidence becomes suspect when it happens repeatedly. Tellingly, neither AOC or Hillary have backed off this idea. Hillary's "boy" Barack, even stated publicly that the Constitution he swore to uphold and defend is simply "an inconvenience" to his designs.

Both Democrats and Republicans have their share of dirty politicians, but the family business of the Democrats is far and away more sordid. Whether the corrupt city of Detroit, Chicago's entrenched Democrat machine or NYC's mob governance, the Democrats have elevated corruption to an art form. so, one can only wonder if there is any moral fiber in the Democratic Party to make the changes needed to correct the mess in which we now find ourselves. I firmly beliieve that only a massive purge of government, Local, State and Federal, of all liberals as well as in education, can bring this country back from it's present slide into Third World banana republic status. Moreover, the Democrat's corruption is part and parcel of their political platform. 

We have at least two generations of illiterate, politically ignorant people who are fodder for liberal indoctrination and MSM gaslighting. Critical Thinking, Logic and knowledge of Social Sciences are as murky to them as cursive writing or manual transmissions. The traditional family is on the brink of extinction and fathers in the home are becoming a rare thing indeed. Young men are not taught to be protectors, and are taught to hate themselves and their country, while girls are taught that their children are not humans and can be slaughtered for profit without a qualm. Thanks to the liberals we have brought the novel 1984 to near reality. Yes, it is that bad and rapidly getting worse. Ascerbic, bitchy and chronically PMS liberated "women" , who refuse to declere exactly what woman is, are talking heads on MSM and all are in lockstep with the Narrative, acting to prevent women from actually thinking for themselves, all the while gsslighting them into thinkiong they are doing so. Last year's Woman of the Year was not a woman at all,but a biologicsl intact male who likes to dress in women's clothing and mince about looking like some disgusting schizophrenic delusional nightmare come to life. 

It becomes even more scary when one becomes familiar with the actions of the Nazis post Reichstag fire and juxtaposition it with the actions of the DNC, Antifa and BLM. Neven before has so much of our land and industry been owned by a hostile foreiign power, and our government has kept secret and even protected spy balloons owned and operated over the US and Canada by the Chinese Government. Put it all together and the results of the 2024 election become much more of a watershed than any election in the past. For the first time in my life, I believe it necessary for the US military to enact their protocols for devolution of power as in the case of an internal attack on the government by fifth column agents embedded in the government. The military is NOT sworn to protect the government, they are sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States, when and if the government no longer does so. One can only hope they will faithfully conduct their duty in the face of our government/s apparent decision to suppress the Constitution and install a globalist police state in the place of our Republic. "The Tree of Liberty on occasions must needs be watered by the blood of Patriots. It is the high cost of freedom and liberty thet every generation hopes not to be called on to pay, but paid in full it must be for Liberty to thrive and grow" T.Jefferson.

What will the Left say when their beloved "liberal" government declares martial law to prevent their losing control of the government? When the NTS shuts down all travel, the internet is completely censored, the public is disarmed and illegal alien gangs run amok, when most stores have to close their doors due to BLM instituted looting, and it is illegal to go to church? When you cannot defend your family or your home from criminals brecause the government will imprison you? This is what they left has led us to. Unfortunately, we all have to live with their failure and the consequences of their lies. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...