Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The UV shooting was a signal we should not ignore.

People have many views and observations on mass shooters and targeted violence. Very few of them have well thought out views or perception. 
Most liberals blame inanimate objects like guns for violence. This speaks to their core belief that people must be controlled by a powerful and intrusive government because they lack the judgement to make moral choices, and cannot be trusted with guns, knives or baseball bats. Only the police should have these, but they conversely state the police cannot be trusted and should be de-funded and abolished. Thus the liberals as a group lack any credibility on most issues. 
  The liberal's assertion that people lack judgement and self control is wrong, and oddly, the mechanism of mass shootings put the lie to this. White males comprise the bulk of mass shooters and the UVA shooter was black, an anomaly. "Whites are tight asses" is a comment on the way the vast majority of white men are raised; they are taught to suppress their emotions. Black men are not. Black men do not have a high tolerance for frustration. They "blow off" their frustrations at a much lower level than whites. Their level of violence is at a much more person to person level generally, only when the mob mentality/pack violence instinct is aroused. as in a riot situation, do they act at a mass violence level.
Mass shooters are men (sic) who have reached the end of their metaphorical rope. They have reached a point where, like the UVA shooter, they are ready to die and to take others with them. Rarely do blacks reach this level of wide scale violence precisely because their culture does not teach self restraint. White men live with suppressed rage from a very young age and it is a powerful, if unconscious motivator of their emotions and actions in most of their lives. 
Blacks have a low threshold for disregard of the law and social conventions; white do not. Whites experience a real inner struggle to express their emotions, and especially in dealing with violent tendencies. In blacks, violence is a part of interpersonal interactions on a near daily level. For whites, violence is built up and much more generalized than it is routinely interpersonal. 
Yes, obviously there are exceptions to this, and yes there tends to be a spectrum of this behavior. That is not the point. Lets not get distracted. 
For us to understand the real life impact of the expression of violence, we must acknowledge the reality of the social level expressed on an individual level and how it is affected by social/cultural factors. 
The very meaning of equity is that some groups, usually blacks, are not expected to obey the law. Woke merely formalizes this previously unspoken understanding. Rather than actually dealing with the intrinsic problems in black communities (crime, violence, single parent families, generational welfare, generalized disregard for law and social behavior, misogyny, worship of antisocial figures, etc) and correcting them, we, as a society, are being told to allow ourselves to be forced into a formalized double standard of behavioral and meritocratic expectations. 
The inherent unfairness of this is "excused' by the fact that some blacks were slaves. This ignores the fact that some Irish and some Chinese and a lot of Indigenous people were too. Woke and PC politics ignore this fact, and the inferred insult to all blacks inherent in the system. If you are black, the woke culture admits that you can't behave like a civilized human being, nor can you compete intellectually and academically against Asians or Whites. 
If this doesn't make you angry, I am truly surprised and even more, disappointed.  


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...