Friday, May 14, 2021


The GOP Congressional leaders stated . "Inflation is rising, the Middle East is in shambles, the working class can’t fill up their gas tanks, our border is being overrun and the Biden Administration’s leadership is nowhere to be found.". I couldn't have summed it up better. The Biden administration has consistently failed to take any action the is not simply a repudiation of Trump policies that, unfortunately, worked just fine. 

The old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" applies here in spades. We went from energy independence to no gas and soaring gas prices in 70 odd days. That is some kind of record. We went from building a wall and securing our borders to the worst border crisis in decades in the same period. 

in short, we went from a country finally headed in the right direction under Trump to a downward spiral to third world status. Thank a Biden voter today.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

It's that time of the year when we get the urge to grow things, to get our hands dirty and to make something grow. My wife has started our garden, pictured below, and radishes, peas and some onions. Our garden consists of 12 beds, each 1/2 of a 55 gallon drum cut lengthwise and mounted on cinderblocks. The holes in the cinderblock are up. allowing herbs to be planted in the holes. Thus, we get minimal weeds, away from bunnies and less crawling around in the dirt. We can both get down, but getting back up is a risky bet.SO this was my anniversary present to her a couple years ago. It was a lot of work off the bat, but now is pretty easy to maintain. 

It goes without saying that gardening is a bit of work but once the initial work is done, less than you would think. Once you have had ripe tomatoes from your own garden, no store bought tomatoes can compare. My wife is not only a good cook, but really resourceful, and her "clean out the fridge" soups are each unique and all delicious.


Sunday, May 2, 2021


Hypocrisy has, and probably will continue to be, a default position of the left. For example, they support, on paper anyway, girls sports and the promotion of female athletes. At the same time, they turn a blind eye to girls getting injured by and losing games and scholarships to stronger, faster males. This in the name of gender equality? Whatever you may think of a guy dressing up like a girl, the biology stays the same. Pound for pound, guys are stronger and usually significantly so. It's not just unfair, it's physically dangerous for girls to go at it in full contact with guys. There is no excuse for the irresponsible and dangerous policies made in the frenzy of political correctness to guide sports or to allow boys to share bathrooms with young girls. 
The Left is disgusting and amoral, but the protection and safety of our country and children trumps any political theater. The Left has been pampered by the media and that needs to stop! The media needs to pull up their big boy pants and do their job. Hold the Left accountable for their irresponsible political virtue signaling and put the welfare of our country and children into the priority they deserve. The media is now just a mouthpiece, and that also must stop. If MSN cannot be impartial, force them to be reclassified as PACs.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...