Thursday, February 11, 2021

Democrats vs Free Speech

Democrats control effectively most media in the US and most all social media and "fact checking" are strongly left leaning at best. Still they cannot convince well over half the country that their policies and beliefs are valid. So they consider it a constitutional requirement to legislate against any views that are counter to theirs. This requires them to interpret any dissent to their policies or criticism of one of their members as terroristic and subversive. They already consider protections in the Bill of Rights to be relative, not strict, and only applying to things and person's they agree with. This is something one with expects in a third world dictatorship or theocratic police state. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Satire and other archaic words. A cautionary tale.

This article satirically reports the finding of old scrolls in the bowels of the government library with words The Party in Congress cannot explain or define like satire, freedom of expression, due process and the like. It is satire and unfortunately very prophetic if the liberals are not curtailed.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Walking sticks and combat wrap grips

 The top photo is one of my sticks with a short cotton cord spiral combat wrap. Bottom photo shows closeup of the wrap.

Use heavy cotton cord, make a loop with closed end to terminal end of the wrap.spiral wrap over the loop to desired length. Thread trailing cord through the loop, pull taut under wrap, cut trailing cord and coat with epoxy. Hint, keep tension on cord throughout the wrap.

Friday, February 5, 2021

 I belong to a group of people who recreate the barbarian mercenaries of the middle ages. We are loosely associated with the rather hidebound and rule constipated SCA, Society for Creative Anachronisms. They are the Lords ladies and commoners of the Middle Ages. Three of us who were all training in Martial Arts decided to join a group called the Tuchux. The group originally formed under a Karate and Kenjutsu instructor from Pittsburgh, John Hamilton, one of the foremost martial artists in this part of the country and a good friend of mine. I had recently gotten out of the service and found out John had started this group. 

The clan we started, the Kur Clan, was the first clan to form outside of Pittsburgh and was founded in Youngstown, Ohio in 1980. Over the years, my children grew up in the Clan, where we spent time without telephones Tv or any other electronics, sat at night around a campfire and my kids learned to their amazement that their Dad was a pretty damn good fighter. My kids saw a side of me that they never would have guessed without being a part of a fighting group. I taught both my kids to protect themselves with sticks, blades and barehanded. This is something every father should teach their kids. If the dad doesn't know, he should learn, because this is something that modern society can't and won't teach, self reliance and honor. We are raising a generation of self centered wimps whose sense of chivalry is nonexistent and who respect neither themselves nor others. I cherish the memories with my wife and my kids at events throughout the year, but especially at the Pennsic War, a topic for another post. 

Some of my Dogbrothers and sisters are gone. The years have passed, my daughter passed away several years ago from a rare medical condition that took her at a far too young age, and my son is a dad of two teens himself. I can't help but think that the experiences with the Kur made me a better Dad, and him as well. I am so glad I got to spend that time with them. I will carry those memories to my grave. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

As with anyone who is a Constitutionalist, I find the liberal position/ opinions incoherent and lacking in reason. I believe in laws, not talking about believing in them, but living it. The actions against Trump are illegal and despicable on a good day. I didn't vote for him in 2016, I am essentially a Constitutional Libertarian, and I dislike the Republican platform's adulation of big business, and the migration of that adulation to the Democrats' side of the aisle. However, I am drawn to the underdog and especially the little dog who bares his teeth to the Rottweiler attacking him. When the Democrat organization started attacking him and his family, I had a cause. 

This being said, he is an ass at times, but his policies including smaller government and less regulation with a flexible and efficient economy that PRODUCES things are truly a massive improvement over the destructive and disgusting nanny state that the pretender to the presidency Barack Obama insidiously crammed down our throats for 8 long dreary years. The idea that its ok for non-citizens to have the privileges of citizens and that veterans are disposable, blacks don't have to obey the law and its a crime to be white are all anathema to someone who feels that everyone should produce and compete in complete equality of law and opportunity. 

That doesn't mean equal outcomes by any means. Everyone is definitely not created equal, but everyone is a Child of God, deserves respect and a chance to go as far as their innate talent takes them. That does not mean the Asian math genius, the white engineer, the black athlete, the Latino performer are all going to have the same lifestyle. They won't and there is NOTHING to say any of them cannot be what the other is in this example, assuming an equal level of intelligence and work ethic. 

Everyone has to produce, to work and indeed to work hard, their families deserve it. People are nothing without sacrifice. Furthermore, the family is the single strongest base of stable society. Anything and any agenda that undermines it, be it feminism, LGBTQ, satanism, liberal amoralism, anti -dad black culture, anything, is evil and must be fought against. The family, a Mom, Dad, kids and maybe a dog or cat or two, is the single most important facet of society, bar none. The family is what a  man gets up and goes to work to support, the family is what a woman's natural nurturing talent and intuition keeps together and supports, and it produces the most well rounded, stable and brightest potential next generation. Fatherless families, not white privilege, are the poison that is destroying black communities, inflicting crime on our society and making the racial divide deeper. No matter how the left spins it, it is what it is. 

Why do the liberals hate Trump? He had the audacity to confront them with the truth. The truths that shed light on the lies that make up liberal progressivism in the US. Men are men, women are women. It is biology, a science. The hypocrisy and double think that is required to be a liberal is pointed up here with clarity. Climate change/ global warming/oncoming Ice Age (depends on what expert you talk to) is "Science!!!" but genetics and established sex/gender is relative to what the person "feels" at the time. No, 2+2=4 everywhere and at all times. XX is female, XY is male. There are pathologic XXY, XXX, trisomy 21 etc etc, but they are pathological and in nature, they all die. Sexual dysphoria is mental illness and pathological, no matter how many well paid-to-say-so professors insist that this one area is exempt from science, a man is XY, a woman XX. period, end of sentence. 

No it is not ok for men pretending to be women to use the same bathroom at the same time as little girls. We civilized humans have protected our children from predatory adults since the dawn of time, as well as any other predators. We are hardwired to do so. If you are a "trans" and you try to go in the bathroom with my young daughter, expect trouble, no matter what the ass-wipe in DC tries to foist on us. You.Leave.My.Family.Alone. We are clear on this, yes?

Gun"control". It is as simple as this. There are people in this society who are predatory criminals. They prey on the vulnerable. They don't obey the law. They are usually armed. It takes the police, on a good day, 23 minutes or more to arrive on scene. it takes a few seconds for someone to kill you, take your money, and do awful thing to your family. The reason for the 2nd amendment is that law abiding citizens need the ability to defend themselves from criminals, hunt for food and sport, but most important, to defend themselves against an oppressive government. The wording of the 2nd amendment is that a militia (meaning at that time, police, military or other government forces)is necessary, but may oppress the citizenry,  the right of the CITIZEN to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This literally means that we citizens have the RIGHT and, according to Jefferson, the Duty to defend our freedoms against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that we, by law should have the same weaponry as the military. That  phrase " against all enemies, foreign and domestic" should sound familiar to my fellow veterans, by the way. We all took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution (not the government, not the president) the Constitution and that includes the Bill of Rights. So the attempts by anyone for any reason to restrict our gun rights is an attack on us, our freedoms and the Constitution of the United States. The sole and only effective deterrent to crime and oppression is the armed and trained citizen. 

Every "public servant" takes the same oath, right up to the President. "I swear to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Obama felt the Constitution was "outdated" and should be flexibly interpreted. That means ignored, for the unenlightened. He is and was a traitor and an enemy of the US. Biden feels the same, but can't express it as well as the glib tongued Barry the Slick Shyster. Both are against the Constitution and should be barred from office of any sort for that reason.

Yes, like most libertarians, I find Obama a disgusting failure as a human being, and his manwife the same. He represents the worst in politics and like the Prince of Darkness, he appears as a smooth and articulate, even personable individual. His works and words give him away. Like the Deceiver, he lives to misguide and lead astray. The lies of the left are sugarcoated and they use broad generalizations to gloss over what they really mean. Democratic socialism means that a very few elite get very rich and powerful and everyone else get to live in shit, ala China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba and about every other totalitarian state that lives off the lifeblood of its downtrodden citizens. 

As to the Gays "we don't have an agenda" I simply point to the political changes and the attack on normal morality and natural law that the left pushes. Like the Blacks and other targeted minority groups, the left couldn't care less about LGBTQ, they matter until election day, not at all otherwise. Occasionally they have utility to use as a cause celebre to push some anti US measure. If anyone is actually convinced that the US is better run by the UN than by its own citizens, you really need a reality check. If you believe men belong in bathrooms with little girls, you are the problem. 

Babies are human. A 2 year old cannot live away from its parents. Abortion is not health care. That shoots down 99% of the arguments for abortion. To say a baby is not human is to get onto a greased rail to Hell. If you can kill a baby in the womb, the safest place for a human to be, then the most helpless phases of human life become the target of homicide. Human life has value or it does not. There is no gray area, there is no compromise. If you can kill the most vulnerable on a whim or for convenience, then every time you are sick, when you or someone you love gets old, they can ethically and morally be eliminated. That is the logical endpoint of this argument. When human life is disposable, we are ALL disposable, Think about that the next time some woman says "keep your laws off my body" then say Keep your murderous hand off that innocent little kid! We must protect the vulnerable or we all are in trouble. 

Never believe that democracy does not take vigilance. The election system is universally the most vulnerable part of democracy. It is no joke when foreign nationals and dead people vote. It is akin to rape of the democratic system, and the left is always at it in one form or another. Why do you need ID to get a passport, buy a car, get a prescription, but not to vote? Really? Unvetted mail- in ballots are the wet dream of every election manipulator. The left has no one's interest in mind but their own when they pedal this malarky. Freedom is responsibility and the rule of law, not license to cheat. 

Religion. You have to swim without knowing the water's depth or what's in it. is the human person better off being gnostic or atheist (both are actually religions, but don't call themselves that), than a person of faith in a deity? I was raised protestant, and became, through biblical study, Roman Catholic. I took Nursing in college, but my minor was Phil/Religious studies. I felt that to be a truly caring person, I had to have areal understanding of morality and ethics. Medical Ethics, per a course of study I took at the University of Virginia is not so simple. Morality is not the sole arbiter of ethics, nor is Law. 

Philosophers of all ilk have argued that God is or is not, is or is not omniscient, is or is not in charge of the Universe, etc etc. There is, IMHO, no way to believe without faith. You have it or you don't. If you have it, you believe, if you don't you don't. Stonewall Jackson famously told about his experiences in Mexico with a padre. He answered Jackson's question "Why believe?". with a utilitarian answer. If two souls pass away, one believing , one not. If the nonbeliever is correct, then they are both in an equal state on passing from this life. If, however, the believer is right, then his state on death is far superior to that of the nonbeliever. There are a myriad of followup arguments to this that any second year philosophy student can give, but the point is not the validity of the argument, but its context. There are good arguments for and against belief. The benefit that most believers have is an organized spiritual life, a moral compass and some kind of hope. If there is nothing but this rather miserable life with nothing better to look forward to, one has to wonder why go on at all? Furthermore, it is easy for an unbeliever to believe that life is meaningless and therefore, worthless. What contraindicates killing a baby or old fart if there is no God, no objective moral standard? Humanity has more dignity innately if we are indeed made in the image of God. 

Monday, February 1, 2021


I have to enjoy the sight of an electric car charger run by a diesel generator. This is so much a visual of the liberal mindset. Only a true leftist can actually spin this to make sense. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...